"Saved to live and saved for life"

Irwin's is unique in that the animals who are brought to the centre are nurtured back to health and allowed to live out the remainder of their lives in a caring environment at the farm. Unlike the SPCA, for instance, their survival is not dependent on whether they will be fostered by a caring human within a specified timeframe. Anne Cronje Those animals, as we all know, are euthanased if homes are not found within that time. It was this caveat that was to be the inspiration for the founding of the rescue centre.
At Irwin's the animals' right to life is a given, and, apart from some exceptional instances, replacement homes are never sought. Some people may not agree with these sentiments, but one fact is clear: the vast majority of these animals would have died in misery were it not for Irwin Animal Rescue Centre.
Co-founder Anne Cronje is an incredibly focused and dedicated woman who has devoted her life to rescuing abandoned, unloved, ill-treated and abused animals. She can relate tales, that, unless you are completely without compassion, will literally bring a tear to your eye. Stories of such cruelty and barbarism that really make you ashamed to be a member of the human race. Of course, that such a place like Irwin's has to exist in the first place is a sad indictment on our society. That it is bursting at the seams just compounds the issue. For these lucky animals though, Anne and her dedicated, enthusiastic staff were on hand to give help at a critical time. Thousands, if not millions, of animals around the country are not so fortunate.